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Photosynthetic Pink Gorgonian

Photosynthetic Pink Gorgonian

£12.00 Regular Price
£10.00Sale Price

A really easy to keep pink Gorgonian, that moves gently in the current.

Ideal for mesmerizing movement in an aquarium.

Seahorses love to use this as an anchor with their prehensile tails.

Doen't require any special feeding, just the usual good water conditions.


Care Requirements Checklist


· Care level


· Lighting

medium to high

· Water Flow

low to medium

· Feeding


· Salinity

1.023 – 1.025

· Temperature

24 – 27°C

· Calcium (Ca)

400 - 450

· Magnesium (Mg)

1250 -1450

· Carbonate Hardness (kh/dkh)


· Phosphate (Po4)

0.03 – 0.3

· Nitrate (No3)

1 – 10

· Origin

CCC's UK coral farm

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